Denise Ippolito - Photography with a Woman's Touch — Rick Sammon Photography

Denise Ippolito - Photography with a Woman's Touch

Daisy Soft Focus.jpg

Denise Ippolito is a true artist, which is why, when I thought about the "woman's touch" in photography, I asked her to write a guest blog post about the subject.

I know you'll enjoy this post - which I am re-posting because it was one of the most popular posts here on my blog.

If you'd like to meet and shoot with Denise, she and I, along with Kevin Pepper, are leading a workshop to Provence later this year. Info on my Workshops page. We hope you can join us.

Calling all women photographers! Leave a comment in the Comments here if you feel a "woman's touch" has an effect on your photography.

Take it away Denise.

First, I want to thank Rick for inviting me to do a second guest blog post. We met in Bosque del Apache this past December, where Rick and Juan Pons were leading a photo workshop – at the same time Art Morris and I were leading a workshop. What fun!

Opening Image: Daisy, Soft Focus

Can it be true that a photograph may carry a woman’s touch?  Hmm . . .  that is an interesting question, and as I start to consider the answer, I need to consider the question more carefully.  Do I as a woman see and photograph differently?  The short answer is yes, at least I hope so. I enjoy being a strong, independent woman, but I can’t help but love the girly side of things.  

Half-Dead Tulip.jpg

Dead Tulip, High-Key

Flowers are one of my favorite subjects. 

Most of the time I am creating softer looks for my flowers using a shallow depth-of-field and focusing on an area that catches my eye, usually a curved line or a unique feature.

The delicate lines and intricate details of flowers are captivating; these lines seem more apparent on aging flowers, especially on old tulips.

When I share my dead flower images I get a lot of positive responses from both men and women. I still try to present these flowers with a bit of softness.

Black Skimmer with Chick Feeding

Black Skimmer with chick feeding.jpg

When I photograph birds I am usually drawn to the cute poses and tender moments. 

Black Skimmers Mid-Air Fight

Black Skimmers Mid-Air Fight.jpg

I have to admit, however, that creating flight and action shots excites me. I have always loved target shooting and locking focus on a bird in flight and pushing the shutter button is an amazing rush. 

Dahlia Multiple Exposure 

Dahlia Multiple Exposure.jpg

I also like using creative filtering and effects to help me achieve my creative vision. Some days I prefer strong, bold graphics (perhaps more masculine) and other days I like high-key, ethereal effects (perhaps more feminine). On other days I strive for the fun and whimsical.

Dahlia with Fractalius Plug-in

Dahlia with Fractalius Plug-in.jpg

No matter my mood, I usually start with an image that has a specific element that interests me and work from there. I never have any set guidelines or parameters; I simply let my mind run free. I am sometimes surprised by the results but most of the time I have a pretty good idea where an image will end up once I start to develop it. I’m not sure that this has anything at all to do with being a woman; it seems as if this might have more to do with being a multifaceted artist.


Zoom Blur.jpg

I like creating pleasing blurs using a variety of in-camera and post processing techniques that I have developed and refined over the years. Since the completion of my eBook, “A Guide to Pleasing Blurs,” co-authored with Arthur Morris, I have expanded my creative blur repertoire to include multiple exposures, many of which have the soft feminine look that I love.


So, what seemed like an easy answer turned out to be more of an indecisive response to a question that I am not sure can be answered with a simple yes or no. And maybe that’s a good thing.

Rick, Kevin and I hope to see you in Provence. Photographing running white horse is on the schedule. Again, info is on Rick's Workshops page.

• • • • •

Thank you Denise for another great post.

Readers: if you are a woman, leave a comment in the Comments here if you feel a "woman's touch" has an effect on your photography.

If you like stuff like this, you can subscribe to my blog here.

Explore the light,

rick and art.jpg

P.S. Here is a shot of Artie Morris and yours truly showing off our sunrise and sunset camo jackets in Bosque del Apache. With these jackets, we blend in with colorful sunrises and sunsets. Photo by Juan Pons.

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