Start Building an Awesome Web Site with Squarespace — Rick Sammon Photography

Start Building an Awesome Web Site with Squarespace

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As readers of my blog know, I switched my site to Squarespace about a year and a half ago - for a much cleaner looking, all-in-one, do-it-yourself web site.

You can read about why I made this switch in this post: 7 Reasons to Switch to Squarespace.

If you have some time, take advantage of a free trial and start building your own awesome web site. 

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One of the newer photographer-oriented features is a free iPhone and iPad app - which is an awesome way to share your images with others. You got the word "free," right?

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Now, there is yet another reason to switch to Squarspace: $. Recently, Squarespace  announced the availability of a much-awaited Commerce platform. With over 20 new features, Squarespace Commerce lets you easily add store pages to their website and start selling products – both physical and digital – immediately. You can read more about this cool feature here.


So what are you waiting for? 

Explore the light,