Day 2: 6 Days of Canon EOS 6D Images from Route 66 — Rick Sammon Photography

Day 2: 6 Days of Canon EOS 6D Images from Route 66

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It's Day 2 in my blog series: 6 Days of Canon EOS 6D Images from Route 66. Each day I will post a few of my favorite images along with some photography tips – from the "Mother Road." Hope you enjoy the "ride." ​

A general tip before we get going: Use plug-ins and image-editing software to remove some of the reality from a  scene, as well as to create a mood.​ I used Nik's Snapseed to add a retro look to all these images. All my plug-ins are listed on my Save-on Plug-ins page.

Location: Tucumcari, New Mexico.

Opening image: ​Tucumcari Trading Post. Canon 17-40mm lens. HDR was needed because I was shooting into the sun, which is hidden behind the clouds. I created the image from seven bracketed exposures.

Tip: Use your camera like a spaceship. My camera, mounted on my Really Right Stuff tripod, my camera was positioned about a foot above my head for this shot. I used Live View on the Canon 6D to compose the shot.

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Above: Tucumcari Trading Post. Canon 17-40mm lens.

Tip: Tell the whole story. Take close-up shots in addition to photographing the wide view.

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Above: Best Mexican Food in Tucumcari? Maybe at one time. Canon 17-40mm lens.

Tip: Expose for the highlights and compose carefully. Watch the background, too. Learn about light and composition in my Kelby Training classes.

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​Above: Fast wireless and $23 bucks night. Color TV, too! What could be better? Canon 17-40mm lens.

Tip: The name of the game is to fill the frame. Hey, that composition rule worked for this image. But remember, negative space can be good, too.

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Above: "You can trust your car . . . . " If you don't know that slogan, you are much younger than I am. Canon 17-40mm lens.

Tip: As you can see, I used one lens for all of the images in this post – even though I have several other lenses in my camera bag. The tip here: Keep it simple and have easy and fast access to your gear when you are on the move.

If you are interested in buying a Canon 6D, check out Adorama. If you want to rent one, perhaps for a road trip, check out

All the gear I've packed for this trip is listed here.

Okay, it's time to get back on the road.

Explore the light,

P.S. Want to join my 2014 Route 66 Photo Caravan/Workshop? Shoot me an email for info. All my workshops are listed on the Workshop pages on the left.

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