Check Out My New Route 66 Gallery - and the new Squarespace Portfolio app — Rick Sammon Photography

Check Out My New Route 66 Gallery - and the new Squarespace Portfolio app

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​I just created a Route 66 Gallery here on my Squarespace site. Check it out. If you like photo road trips, Route 66 is hard to beat.

Each night from the road I posted a series here on my blog: Six Days of Canon 6D Images from Route 66.​ Scroll down to check out the series. How-to info in each post.

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Here's something really cool about Squarespace Galleries: When you download the free Squarespace Portfolio app to your iPad and iPhone, your Galleries are automatically transferred to your mobile device. That makes sharing your pictures faster and easier than ever.

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Don't know about Squarespace? Here's a post a did a while back that I think you'll find interesting.​ 

If you are looking for an awesome new site, use one-click to get started with Squarespace - which starts with a free trial.

Explorer the light,