Today's Awesome Guest Blogger: Alex Morley — Rick Sammon Photography

Today's Awesome Guest Blogger: Alex Morley

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Thank you Rick for inviting me to be a guest blogger! It's good to be back here.

This September, Rick and I will be leading our second Oregon Coast photo caravan workshop on the Oregon Coast, a magical place. The workshops is full, but you can get on the waiting list by shooting Rick an email.

You will find rocky headlands separated by long sweeping beaches and towering sand dunes on the Oregon Coast. There are sea birds, whales, seals, sea lions, lighthouses, and picturesque fishing harbors. A photographer's paradise.

In this guest blog post I'd like to share some of my favorite images from past trips to one of my favorite photographic locations.​

Opening image: The Yaquina Lighthouse is one of the most beautiful locations on the coast.


Above: The Newport harbor is a real working fishing port. This was shot with a full moon at the blue-light time of day right after sunset.

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Above: There are many wonderful tide pools to explore at low tide. Be sure to bring your knee-high rubber boots to wade through shallow pools. You will have better opportunities to photograph your subjects.

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Above: Unusual sandstone cliffs make Shore Acres a unique place with big waves. It is mesmerizing.

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Above: There are several areas along the Oregon coast with amazing seastacks (big rocks isolated in the water by erosion). They are wonderful for photography. This gull was searching for food.  I was fortunate to have ideal backlight during a break in the clouds.


Above: The Oregon Coast is a treasure for photographers. High tides and low tides completely change the way an area appears. Along with the changing tides, sunrises and sunsets offer an infinite opportunity for new images.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. As you can see, the Oregon Coast is, indeed, a magical place and a photographer's paradise.​

Alex Morley

Web site

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Thank you Alex for sharing your awesome images.

Again, the Oregon Coast photo caravan is full. All my 2013 workshops are listed on my 2013 Workshops page.​

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