Day 4: Seven Days of Sunrise/Sunset Photo Tips — Rick Sammon Photography

Day 4: Seven Days of Sunrise/Sunset Photo Tips


To celebrate the release of my Photo Sundial app, which runs on the iPhone and the iPad, I am running a series here on my blog: Seven Days of Sunrise/Sunset Photography Tips. Each day I'll share two tips from the Gallery section of the app, for a total of 14 images. Check out all the images in the app, which is on sale until September 30th for only $2.99.

Today is Day 4.

Silhouettes. When photographing someone against a sunrise or sunset, have him or her look directly left or right so you can see his or her profile. If the person looks at or away from the camera, you will not be able to recognize him or her. Also, underexpose just a bit to add some saturation to your image. Finally, activate your camera's Highlight Alert feature and make sure the area around the sun is not overexposed. To soften the image above, I used the Duplex filter in Nik Color Efex Pro. Location: Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

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Rule of Odds. If you have the opportunity to photograph an even or odd number of subjects, go for the odd number. For some reason, the rule of odds usually makes for better composition than the rule of evens. Location: Moro Bay/The California Photo Fest, where I will be teaching this October. Be there or be square.

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Read more about Photo Sundial - the app that helps you find the position of the sun so you can make awesome images - and much more more.

Explore the light,