Keep Your Camera, Monitor and Printer In Tune — Rick Sammon Photography

Keep Your Camera, Monitor and Printer In Tune


Before I play guitar, I tune up using an awesome iPhone app called CLEARTUNE. My guitar never sounded better, and I have more fun playing.

All musicians know that tuning is a must.


Same goes for your camera, monitor and printer. It they are "out of tune," or "out of calibration," you will not get the best results - and consistent results.

In the field I use the ColorChecker Passport to calibrate my camera to the existing lighting conditions. This device comes with a CD that you pop in your computer and within minutes you are on your way to accurate color.

At home, I use the ColorMunki Photo to calibrate my monitors, printers and even my digital projector. Here, too, this device comes with a CD that help speeds you on your way to accurate color.

© Rick Sammon HDR.jpg

Here's a cool video on made on HDR and using the ColorMunki. The photograph above was taken in the same location. (That's not me playing guitar in the video.)

Here is a quick video of me jamming with some friends at CreativeLive.

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You can also use CLEARTUNE to tune a bass guitar (above).

Explore the light (and sound),

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P.S. A reader just asked about a more affordable color calibration device.

Check out the ColorMunki Smile