Canon's Most Versatile Lens (IMHO): the 24-105mm IS — Rick Sammon Photography

Canon's Most Versatile Lens (IMHO): the 24-105mm IS

Use the arrow keys above to view the gallery that I just put together of some of my favorite images that I took with my Canon 24-105mm IS lens – which, in my humble opinion (IMHO) – is the most versatile lens that Canon offers. I like that lens so much that I always travel with two (one as a back up).

I use that lens on my full-frame image sensor Canon 5D Mark III.

As you will see in the gallery, the lens is great for wildlife, landscape, portraits, nature travel photography and more.

Sure, I shoot with other lenses, but I think that more than 75 percent of my photographs are taken with this lens.

What is your favorite lens? I'd like to know.

All my lenses are listed on My Gear page.

Explore the light,

P.S. If you like to add galleries on your web site, check out Squarespace. Adding galleries is fast, easy and fun.