On a Photo Safari with the Canon 5D Mark III. Day 2: Meeting The Killing Machine — Rick Sammon Photography

On a Photo Safari with the Canon 5D Mark III. Day 2: Meeting The Killing Machine

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I'm running a series of posts here on my blog: On a Photo Safari with the Canon 5D Mark III.

Today is Day 2.

Our guide, Simon, called this leopard "The Killing Machine." Why? Because he was dining on wildebeeast after wildebeeast after wildebeeast at the crossing of the Great Migration (photos to come).

After his kill, the killing machine had his "snack" up in nearby tree. Two kills are shown in the photo on the right – front and back end.

One of my favorite wildlife photography lenses is the Canon 70-300mm IS zoom, which I used to make my portraits of "The Killing Machine."

Quick tip: When shooting, try to shoot eye-to-eye. The opening photographs for this post have impact because I am shooting at eye level, as opposed to shooting above the subject, as illustrated in the photograph above.

Scroll down for more posts in this series.

Thanks to Jonathan and Aggie Scott, The Big Cat People, for making our trip a reality. Follow my friends on Google+.

If you plan on a photo safari, I have a basic class on KelbyOne that offers advice.

Jonathan and I are planning some special trips. Shoot me an email to get on the list.

Jonathan and I made a few videos during our safari. Check 'em out here.

Interested in the gear I used on safari. Here is a QUICK look. :-)

Explore the light,

P.S. Check out my Gallery/One Week On the Mara photographs over on the left - and start your Squarespace site today. Click the image below to get started.