Virtual Photo Safari/Wildlife Photography Photo Workshop — Rick Sammon Photography

Virtual Photo Safari/Wildlife Photography Photo Workshop


Here's a cool idea (and a great investment) for all those who plan to do a photo safari/photo workshop. It's an on-line virtual photo workshop where I help you – before and after your safari – make photographs like these recent 2018 images and the ones in my photo safari galleries:

2016 Photo Safari
On the Mara

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What's included:
• One-hour Skype session before your trip where we discuss your trip and I review your wildlife photographs.
• I offer advice on getting tack-sharp shots, exposure, composition and processing. I'll make lens and gear suggestions, and I'll offer advice on where to go to get the type of images for which you are looking.
• I need your Skype name and a link for a gallery of your best images.
• One-hour Skype session after your trip where I review your new photographs and offer composition, exposure and processing suggestions. Clothing and travel suggestions are also covered.

Cost for the two-hour virtual photo workshop is $199. payable via paypal. Shoot me an email to arrange your virtual photo workshop. 

Photo safaris are expensive. You don't want to invest in a trip only to return with snapshots.

I also give virtual photo workshops on Iceland, Yellowstone/Grand Tetons, Oregon Coast and Route 66.

Explore the light,