Take a Virtual Bosque Del Apache, NM Workshop - get great bird photos! — Rick Sammon Photography

Take a Virtual Bosque Del Apache, NM Workshop - get great bird photos!

Left: You’ll find high-flying raptors in Bosque. Right: Same scene: top at 4 PM, bottom ta 5:30 PM.

Here's a cool idea for all those planning a trip to Bosque Del Apache, NM - where is it literally cool - sometimes below freezing in the AM, but warming up to T-shirt weather in the afternoon. The idea is to take a virtual workshop with me, which will save you hundreds of dollars on an on-site workshop - and give you great ideas for photos and locations.

I’ve been to Bosque five times, and each time was truly amazing.

Here is how it works:
• We have a one-hour Skype session before your trip - during which I offer tips on how to get great photographs. During the sessions I review some of your photographs and offer suggestions.
• I need your Skype name and a link to a gallery of your best images. My Skype name is ricksammon.
• We have a half-hour Skype session after your trip, during which I review your photographs and offer composition, exposure and processing suggestions.

Cost for the virtual photo workshop is $199 payable via PayPal. Shoot me an email to arrange your Virtual Bosque Workshop.

Explore the light,

P.S. Learn more about bird photography in my two KelbyOne bird photography classes. Info on this page.