Introducing Sundial: Don't Leave Home Without this Awesome App — Rick Sammon Photography

Introducing Sundial: Don't Leave Home Without this Awesome App

Last month, while Susan and I were waiting for the Strawberry Moon to rise, Susan discovered a way-cool app that has become an essential accessory for all our outdoor shoots. It’s called Sundial and it’s packed with awesome features – including a link to my favorite (34) sunrise and sunset images, along with photo tips.

Sundial works on the iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. Take a look at how it can help you find the best light for your best photographs.

Sundial is focused on providing most requested solar and lunar data in innovative and flexible formats. At its core, Sundial provides a one-of-a-kind display of the sun and moon rise/set cycle over the 24-hour day. As the seasons change, the yellow “sun is out” arc informs you of the precious daylight hours: shrinking during winter months and expanding as summer approaches. The white inner arc represents when the moon is visible in the sky. Civil, nautical, and astronomical twilights are shown on the solar dial in shades of blue.

Sundial allows you to create alerts (notifications) on your iPhone and iPad for 24 solar/lunar events including sunset, dusk, moonrise, and full moon. Alerts are uber configurable, including offset from the event. Want a reminder the day before the full moon as a reminder to get out and take some moonlit photos? Piece of cake.


14 different home screen widgets are available, and most are configurable by long pressing the widget after you have added it to your home screen.

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I don't have an Apple Watch, but the Sundial watch app's list of features is tempting. You add widgets to swipeable pages, and most widgets are tweakable like their iPhone/iPad big brothers. Hundreds of watch face complications are available for rise/set times, solar/lunar altitude/azimuth, moon phase, and more.

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With the Sundial Today widget, new to Sundial v8, you can create your own custom dashboard on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch.

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Select three items to display in the upper right and what times to show on the bottom. In the example above, the Today widget was customized with:

  • Sun altitude

  • Sun azimuth

  • Day/night % complete

  • Time of dawn, solar noon, and dusk

And on Apple Watch, the moon phase graphic was placed inside the dials.

Sundial is a free download with some additional features requiring a one time in-app purchase to unlock.

A free three day trial is available for each extra. And Sundial is not a subscription app like many apps these days. Just a one-time purchase.

Sundial does not collect any user data and does not harvest your location in any way.

The developer, Mike Muegel, is an avid shutterbug who likes to document his travels with his wife Bernadette through photography.

Sundial can be downloaded from the App Store.