Bokeh, from Alien Skin Software, gets my pick for plug-in of the month (5/09). This plug-in simulates the effect of shooting relatively close to a subject with a fast portrait lens set at a wide aperture – which is also the effect you’d get when photographing a subject with a super-telephoto lens set at a wide aperture.
How cool. What fun. How easy.
To create the effect, all you have to do is make a careful selection (a very careful selection, that is) of your subject in Photoshop and then go to Filter > Alien Skin > Bokeh.
Next, choose the fast lens you wish you had used (or wish you could afford) and press OK. You’ll get a professional looking portrait that looks as though you used an expensive professional lens – which is a great way to impress your friends (and clients).
For more info and for more info on Bokeh and plug-ins, see the Plug-in Experience – a web site I started for creative plug-in users.
Hey! Do you have a suggestion for the Plug-in of the Week? Let me know. Also, send me an example of your plug-in work. You’ll find info on how to do that on the Plug-in Experience, too.