Mini-Mantis and Maxi-Mantis Macro Sessions — Rick Sammon Photography

Mini-Mantis and Maxi-Mantis Macro Sessions

Photograph by Rick Sammon
June 17 - I photographed the above mini-mantis in my backyard this morning. It's one of two mini-mantises that are on the exact same bush where I photographed three adult praying mantises last summer. Looks like the eggs survived the winter. Nature sure is amazing.

You can't tell the size of these tiny creatures in a picture until a finger is included in the frame. Come August, these mantises be as long as my index finger.

Photograph by Rick Sammon
September 1 - As you can see from the shot below, the mini-mantis has grown to a maxi-mantis. Sure is fun watching wildlife!

If you like close-up photography, here are a few tips:
- Use a true macro lens. I used my 100mm Canon macro lens.
- Use a ring light for virtually shadowless (or ratio lighting). I use my Canon MR 14-EX ringlite.
- Shoot at a small aperture for good depth of field. With a macro lens, depth of field is very shallow even at f/22.
- Shoot at a wide aperture to isolate just a part of the subject, as in the photograph below of an adult praying mantis.
- Use a tripod with a ballhead for natural light portraits. My tripods are listed on my gear page.

Photograph by Rick Sammon
For more example of close-up photography, and for close-up photography tips, see my Flying Flowers (pretty pictures) and Butterfly Wonders (photo info) apps on my app page.

Photograph by Rick Sammon
Speaking of a mantis, here's a photograph of mantis shrimp. I took this shot while scuba diving in Papua New Guinea. Another way-cool animal.

Explore the light,