Six Days of Speedlite Tips: Day 5

It's Day 5 of my Six Days of Speedlite Shooting tips.

Today's tip: Study the Works of the Master Painters.

Concept: Study the works of master painters. See how they used shadows and highlights to create their masterpieces. That's what I did for my photograph, "The Girl with a Pearl Earring."

To light my subject, I used one light: Canon 580EX II in the Westcott Apollo soft box.

Once again, you don't need a fancy studio to make nice portraits. I took the photograph in my office.

Special savings: Adorama is offering super pricing these creative lighting reflectors. Offer expires 1.31.12.


For more detailed lighting tips, see my apps.

For hand-on learning, check out my workshops.

Explore the light,

P.S. Here is a link to a post on Plug-ins for Portraits. Check it out.