My Second Canon Speedlite Session at Photo Plus — Rick Sammon Photography

My Second Canon Speedlite Session at Photo Plus

I'm just back from my second Canon Speedlite session at Photo Plus in NYC. Good fun, as always.

My goal was to illustrate what can be done with just one speedlite. I was using the new Canon 600EX- RT speedlite and new Canon ST-E3 radio transmitter wireless system.

One speedlite was placed in a 28-inch Westcott Apollo soft box to camera left and aimed slightly in front of our handsome model, Lorenzo. My friend Steven Inglima, who heads up the Canon Explorer of Light program, was kind enough to hold a reflector directly opposite the softbox, a technique that adds a little fill light to the shadow side of a subject's face.

Of course, we had a cool model, which always helps. So cool in fact that I think Lorenzo should be on the cover of Cool Dude magazine :-)

Explore the light,
Rick Sammon
Canon Explorer of Light

P.S. Thanks to my fiend Vered Koshlano, a wonderful photographer, for helping out with styling and the models. And of course, thank to Jerry Ward at Canon for all his help in the Canon Speedlite booth.