Digital Photography — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography

Digital Photography

Landing At Squarespace

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"It's been a long time comin'."  -  David Crosby

I finally have a web site that represents my photography and my photo philosophy. I chose a SQUARESPACE web site as my home on the web for my blog, galleries, workshops - and more - because it's the only self-publishing web site that I've found to be easy to manage and fun to use. Customer support and all the creative options for photographers are yet another reason why I landed here.

Explore my Galleries. Check out my workshops and seminars.

Of course, please subscribe to my blog, which will be the home page for I will try to post useful info every day . . . when I am in the country.

Click here to subscribe to my blog. Thanks in advance for following along.

If you have an idea for a post, please shoot me an email.

And speaking of my blog, notice that the pictures look bigger and better. That's quite nice!

If you are looking for an awesome place to host your website, check out SQUARESPACE.

Explore the light,
Rick Sammon