Health — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography


It's Stay Healthy Saturday and Sunday: Mow Your Own Lawn

I turned 64 about 8 weeks ago. That same week my doctor wanted to put me on Lipitor. I said, "Doc, I feel like an old man." He said, with a grin, "Well then, I'll give you a newer drug."

That week I made being healthy my # 1 priority. Yes, I am still as passionate about photography and playing music as ever, maybe even more so . . . because I feel better than ever. In fact, just last week I finished my 37th book: Creative Visualization for Photographers (Focal Press, due out early next year). I think I sprinted to the "finish line" with more energy than ever.

And speaking of being healthy and and feeling great: I once met a Buddhist monk who, when I asked him about the most important thing in Buddhism, replied, "Being healthy. If you are not healthy, how can you really do anything else?"

So 8 weeks ago I changed my diet (salads everyday at lunch, cut the carbs, cut cheese, cut red meat, cut fried foods and cut intake by at least 25 percent) and doubled my exercise time to 1.5 hours a day.

I lost 10 pounds.

My doctor called four weeks ago: "NO need for an old or new drug."

I always tried to be somewhat healthy, which included mowing my lawn, which takes about 45 minutes, for the past 38 years.

Last weekend, while vising my friend Steve (who had just cut his own lawn), we discussed the benefit of cutting one's own lawn. Here's our list:

After cutting your lawn, take a break and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

BMW - In this case, you might think BMW stands for "Best to Mow Wisely." However, it actually stands for BMW - the car. If you mow your law for 38 years, you'll save enough to buy a BMW.

Exercise - My neighbor has a sit-down, tractor mower. I have a gasoline-powered push mower. Pushing it around for 45 minutes twice a week is good exercise – upper and lower body.

Think time - While mowing the lawn, you can get into the moment and "zen out" and think about other things while doing a fairly routine task.

Satisfaction - Mowing the lawn is not brain surgery. It's not hard, but you'll get a nice sense of satisfaction once you are done.

Smell - Freshly cut grass smells good. It's good aromatherapy.

Art - I cut my lawn in a teardrop pattern (when viewed from the side). Like a Japanese sand garden, one might consider that art.

Smile - Cutting the lawn makes my wife happy. Happy wife, happy life.

Stay healthy my friend.

Next Weekend: The Wonders of Weed Wacking. :-)

Happy mowing,

P.S. Do you know how to say "Cut the lawn" in French? "Moe de laun."