Landscape photography — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography

Landscape photography

Canadian Rockies Photo Workshop - 10 students, 3 instructors, lots of fun!

Simply put, this is the best value photo workshop to the Canadian Rockies. We take you to the best locations and have three instructors to help you with your photography and processing.

Plus, all this stuff is included:
A copy of my book, Exploring the Light
My on-line Master Landscape Photography class
My e-book Life Lessons We can Learn from Mother Nature
My e-book How to Get Motivated and Stay Inspired.

Get all this stuff before the workshop so you can hit the ground running.... and shooting!

Hope you can join the fun!

Click here to register.

Never Underestimate the Importance of an Interesting Subject

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Sure, I teach composition and exposure and exposure on my workshops, as well as Lightroom and Photoshop.

But I also stress the importance of what's within the frame: the subject. Never underestimate the importance of an interesting subject.

Today is my first day here in Monterey Bay, CA as a guest instructor at the Summer Arts Program hosted by California State University. Thank you, big time, to Professor Mark Larson for the invite!

My fellow instructor John Sexon, an awesome photographer (and former Ansel Adams assistant) and I helped the students focus on capturing interesting subjects during a photo session on Weston's Wall. Here's one of my favorite images.

Tomorrow I give my program, Days in the Life of a Travel Photographer. Then the students and I go shoot. Can't wait.

I hope you can join me on a 2014 workshop. Good learning and good fun!

To learn more about lighting and composition, check out my on-line classes

Explore the light,

My Next Book :-)

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While on the plane going to Ansel Adams country. I had this idea for a book :-)

It was inspired by the poster and book: Ansel Adams - The Print.

P.S. I teach image processing, including how to make cool black-and-white images, on all my workshops. Good creative fun for all.

Explore the light,

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