Photo gear — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography

Photo gear

Going on a Photo Safari? Check out these books and my class

Going on an East Africa photo safari? Research and preparation are important. Very!

Don't leave home without these two books by my friends Jonathan and Angela Scott:
Safari Guide to East African Birds
Safari Guide to East African Animals.

Susan and I are heading over to Kenya in August for a shoot with Jonathan and Angela (above).

Stay tuned for images, videos, podcasts, tweets, posts and more . . .

. . . from the beautiful Maasia Mara, which is a nice place to have breakfast.


At home, check out my latest KelbyOne class: Capturing the Wild: Safari Photography.

I also have KelbyOne classes on composition and lighting. Check 'em out.

As you can see from the photographs above, and below, we are like-minded photographers.


Before I go, here's a quick video we shot on our past photo safari.

Explore the light,

P.S. Here is a link to a previous post I did on recommended camera gear.