Photohshop — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography


Some thoughts on reality - and I really hope to see you at Photoshop World

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"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." - John Lennon.

I agree, and that is one of my favorite quotes on reality.

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Here is another cool quote on reality: "I am not interesting in accurate color, I am interested in my own color." Sorry, I don't remember who said that, but again, I agree.

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On my recent Florida Photo Caravan Workshop, I was having fun creating my own photo reality in Photoshop, using standard PS features as well as some plug-ins. All the plug-ins I use are listed here. All the images in this post were taken on the Caravan.

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I really  hope you can join me at Photoshop World in Atlanta in April, where I will be showing attendees how to alter reality - and create their own photo reality - using plug-ins.

I will also be giving presentations on travel photography and shooting in chilly conditions.

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Have fun this weekend creating your own reality.

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Explore the light,

P.S. I also help photographers create their own reality on my workshops. Good fun!