composition — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography


My New KelbyOne Class is the Most Comprehensive On-Line Composition Class Available

My New KelbyOne Class is the Most Comprehensive On-Line Composition Class Available

Sure, there are lots of on-line composition classes, but I promise you, none are as comprehensive as my new KelbyOne class: 20 Time-Proven Rules of Composition.

My new 1.5 hour class includes 253 slides from more than 20 worldwide/US destinations. All the major rules, as well as some of my composition philosophies, are included. Now that is comprehensive!

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Seven Reasons to Attend My 2017 Canon "Capture the Colors and Magic of Miami" Photo Workshop

Seven Reasons to Attend My 2017 Canon "Capture the Colors and Magic of Miami" Photo Workshop

Each year, for the past five years, I've run photo workshops in Miami's famed South Beach in January. In 2017, I've teamed with Canon for an awesome workshop that will included photographing in South Beach, Little Havana and at Wynwood Walls. Lots of photo processing, too.

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Introducing My Latest e-Book: Conquer Photographic Composition - and Explore the Wonders of Iceland

Click images to enlarge.

My latest e-book is here: Conquer Composition - and Explore the Wonders of Iceland. The e-book features the same photographs and tips that are included in my iPhone and iPad app, Conquer Composition app  – with the addition of five photographs/tips and the location for each photograph.

The e-book is priced at $4.95. Click here to download from my on-line store.

In the e-book I share with you some of my favorite Iceland photographs that illustrate 34 important composition techniques - techniques you can use for all your photography.

Part I (pages 5 to 38) includes a composition technique and the location for each photograph.

Part I (pages 5 to 38) includes a composition technique and the location for each photograph. Part II (pages 40 to 73) includes exposure information for the photographs.

I created this e-book for Android device users who don’t have iPhones and iPads – as well as for photographers who prefer to learn from e-books. This e-book offers both photography and location suggestions for photographers who plan to visit Iceland.

For more in-depth advice on composition, check out my KelbyOne class: Composition - the strongest way of seeing.

And for more advice on exposure, see my KelbyOne class: Light - the main element in every photograph.

For hands-on training, check out my workshops!

Explore the light,

It's "Hey Rick! What's Your F-stop?" Friday

“Hey Rick. What’s your f-stop?” That is the question I get asked most on my photo workshops.

I reply, with a smile, “My friend. What is your creative vision?” That’s the much more important question, because my aperture and shutter speed ISO combination (called the Exposure Triangle) may not result in the photographer’s vision of how the scene should be captured. Lens selection, lighting conditions and camera-to-subject distance are also important considerations in convey one’s vision.

I understand, and appreciate, a workshop participant’s quest for a pro’s recommendations when it comes to camera setting. So I share my settings, but I always suggest other possible settings so the photographer can capture his or her own creative vision.

In this Friday feature, which will run from time to time if you guys like it, I will share my settings, and why I chose those settings, for some of the images I made while teaching a workshop that I co-led with my friend Hal “Bull” Schmitt, director of Light Photographic Workshops, to Alaska earlier this month. 

Photograph: Beautiful Grounded Berg

Camera: Canon 5D Mark III

Lens: Canon 17-40mm lens

Exposure: ISO 125. f/11 @ 1/800th sec.

Reasoning: I had three goals in making this photograph:

1) to capture the beauty of a grounded berg (an iceberg that has broken off from a glacier and, at low tide, is grounded);

2) to get great depth-of-field;

3) to have separation between the main grounded berg and the grounded berg in the background. Careful composition and a small aperture allowed me to achieve my goal.

Concept: Use a very wide-angle lens and small aperture to get great depth of field.

Hal and I hope to see you on our 2015 Death Valley Workshop.

Explore the light,

P.S. If you can't make a live workshop, I offer several on-line classes. Good fun, too.

Subject, Light & Composition

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When it comes down to it, good photographs have a good/interesting subject, good light and good composition.

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I talk about that stuff on my workshops and in my on-line classes.​

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I also cover those topics in my books.​

When you look through the viewfinder, before you shoot, think about the importance of light and composition – and how these element can be used to make a good image.

Explore the light,​

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