healty — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography


Reap the Benefits of Camera Walking – by Carol Vipperman

I would like to thank Rick for the opportunity to be a guest blogger today! 

Like Rick, health became a priority for me four years ago. I needed to lose weight and get more exercise, so I took my camera with me, and found a new passion for walking.

My walks became explorations, not exercise.  As a result, CameraWalking was launched to inspire others to take a daily walk with a camera to achieve better health, fitness, and creativity.

We all know that walking regularly helps keep our hearts healthy, reduces the risk of diabetes, aids in digestion, and much, much more.

But did you know that a recent study found that walking improves your creativity? Researchers at Stanford University determined that walking, even if it is just around the room, let alone walking outside, improves people’s ability to solve problems more creatively.

And still many of us do not go out walking due to busy schedules, weather, and lack of motivation.  To help you get out there, here are some tips that can turn your neighborhood walk into a fun photo exploration.

Don’t take your surroundings for granted. This is important, especially when you are walking the same route everyday. There are always interesting things that you can find if you really look for them.  Become a detective! I was walking down a hill and I spotted this house. I loved the greenery, the window, and the bicycle.

Focus on the unusual. Yes, it would be wonderful to be able to walk in a beautiful landscape, or in a quaint neighborhood. Some of you may be able to do that, however, if that doesn’t describe your walking route, look for the everyday things that stand out.

Tell a story. When you are walking and something catches your eye there is probably a story there that you want to convey.  

Capture everyday life. Look for opportunities to capture people doing everyday activities. It can reveal a lot about the simplicity and beauty of our day-to-day life. 

Take photos daily. This is probably the most important way to improve your Camera Walking skills and motivation to continue walking. If you don’t want to carry your DSLR,  then use your Smartphone. I take photos during my walks to keep them interesting and enjoyable.  I came across this group of kids and parents while walking through a festival at the Seattle Center. They were all so engaged!

Up your pace.  A key element of Camera Walking is to remember that in between the stops you make to take photos, walk briskly.  It turns out that saying, “I am going to walk faster,” makes a difference.  In a recent study, researchers found that walkers increased their steps per minute after saying this.  So grab your camera and go out Camera Walking to discover the joy of a walk, and achieve better health, fitness and creativity.

When you are not walking, please keep in touch: Camera Walking web site.