portraiture — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography


Two-Part On-Line Class: Transform Your Home Into a Pro Studio

Transform Your Home into a Professional Studio Part 2 is live! It's my latest (and 13th) KelbyOne class.

Before you watch Part 2, see Part 1 - Transform Your Home into a Professional Studio. Start with the basics, then move on to some more advanced techniques.

You'll also find some portrait/people photography tips in my latest book, Creative Visualization for Photographers.

Explore the light,

Introducing My New and Improved Lighting Apps!

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They're here: My new and improved iPhone and iPad apps that are designed to help you make better natural light and speedlite photographs with your digital SLR.

The apps (basically on-line video classes with a photo gallery) are geared toward novice photographers. The apps were introduced a while back, but now all the how-to videos stream. Very fast.

Light It! is iPad version and sells for $1.99.

Light It Light! is the iPhone version and sells for $2.99.

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These are starter apps about creative lighting. However, as you will see, pros use many of these techniques and accessories to get great shots.

Two of the videos – Top 21 People Photography Tips and Top Ten Digital Photography Tips – feature some of my favorite pictures from around the world, accompanied with tips, of course!

The movies, shot by Emmy-award winner David Leveen, are divided into five sections totaling more than 1.5 hours of viewing time:

Basics: 33 Minutes
Outdoors: 15 Minutes
In Your Home: 16 Minutes
On-Location: 12 Minutes
Studio Shooting: 23 Minutes

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All updates: 
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- App size reduced to 22MB.
- All videos now stream.
- Optimized for IOS 5.1 and the iPhone 5
- New updated streaming RSS feature from Rick’s blog for almost daily new photo tips – like this cool video.
- Links to all of my social media sites including Google+ from within the app.

I hope you enjoy learning on your iPhone and iPad. I sure do enjoy this method of teaching. 

All my apps are listed on My Apps page. 

Explore the light,