self improvement — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography

self improvement

What Does Your Photography Mean to You?

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"What does your photography mean to you?" Did you ever think about it? Seriously?

I have and I do, and it’s the first chapter in my book, Photo Therapy Motivation and Wisdom – discovering the power of pictures.

So I'm asking you, "What does YOUR photography mean to you?" Post a comment below here on my blog so all can see. More important, in verbalizing your thoughts, you might gain some insight in the importance of your photography.

Here are some of the comments from the chapter.

- An escape.
- A way of seeing more deeply.
- My social life.
- A way I write my history.
- Love and happiness.
- A happy accident.
- I have no choice. Freedom.
- Owning art.
- Back to my roots.
- Because of it I'm living today.
- Staying fresh.
- Art heals.
- I have to see with new eyes every day or else I'm nothing.
- I see better when I make art.
- Personal evolution.
- Living Legacy.
- Saved my life
- Let me be a kid again.

Again, I look forward to your comments. I always hear something new, and inspiring.

Explore the light,