underwater photography — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography

underwater photography

Perception is Everything - I Guess

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I guess perception is everything.

Someone just sent me an email saying that I am "overly fond of HDR." Kinda interesting, as HDR is only one of the image processing techniques I use and teach on my workshops.

By the way: Ansel Adams was also "overly fond" of HDR. He used different papers, chemicals, filters and burning and dodging to create beautiful "HDR images" in the wet darkroom.

Anyway, it's always good to keep in mind that perception is everything. Maybe someone out there thinks I am "overly fond" of wildlife photography. :-)

I took this shot of a sea lion pup in Galapagos. I took the shot of a whale shark – the largest fish in the sea – in the Maldives.

© Rick Sammon.jpg

Explore the light, 

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