5 Ways to Become a Better Photographer — Rick Sammon Photography

5 Ways to Become a Better Photographer


If you want to become a better photographer, I have five different options for you. Some are available in the comfort of your own home, others are available on location.

On-line: Check out my Kelby Training courses on Light and Composition - the two key ingredients that go into the making of a good photograph. The combo of both courses will help you see the light and compose carefully.

On your iPad or iPhone: I have 10 apps that cover dozens of different photographic techniques for indoor and outdoor shooting, in your home, on location and in a studio.


My photo workshops: If you like hands-on training – in photography, Lightroom and Photoshop – these workshops are for you. You'll get great photos, have a ton of fun and make new friends.

My seminars: Most of my seminars are free of charge or cost just a few bucks. Bring your questions. I am there to help.

Tough Love: One-on-one, on-line portfolio reviews.
I'll be upfront and honest with you.

I hope to meet up with you somewhere – on line or in person.

Explore the light,

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