Chasing the Light - Enhancing the Light — Rick Sammon Photography

Chasing the Light - Enhancing the Light

Sammon Sunrise.jpg

Getting up early to catch a sunrise is the norm on my photo workshops. Staying out late for sunset is also the norm. Sure, the photo workshop participants get a bit worn out by the end of the workshop, but they walk away with some spectacular images.

They ask me how I do it on all my photo workshops. I tell 'em, "I can sleep when I'm dead!"

At sunrise this morning on my Bosque del Apache, New Mexico workshop with Juna Pons, I was thinking about dedicated photographers, that we all chase the light, from morning until night. We'll do almost anything to be in the right spot at the right time to get the best light. It's kinda cool.

But dedicated photographers are also light enhancers. That's relatively easy to do in Photoshop and Lighroom, as well as with plug-ins.

For example, my original file for this image was good, here's how I enhanced it:
• increased the saturation in Camera RAW.
• increased clarity in Camera RAW.
• Used Shadows/Highlights in Photoshop to open up the highlights.
• Use the Detail Extractor in Nik Color Efex Pro to bring out more details.

I teach all this stuff on my workshops. I hope you can join one someday soon. Get some rest before you leave home :-)

On line, I talk about the importance of light in my Kelby Training class: Light - the main element in every photograph. Info on that class is on my On-line Training page. If you like that class, you'll like my class on Composition - the strongest way of seeing.

About the image: I took it with my all-time favorite Canon lens: Canon 24-105mm IS lens, which was mounted on my Canon 5D Mark III. All my gear is listed on my Gear page.

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Explore the light,

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