Saddle Up for My Old West Workshop — Rick Sammon Photography

Saddle Up for My Old West Workshop

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I'm saddling up for my next workshop: A cowboy and cowgirl shootout - plus a landscape photography workshop - in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Joining me as co-instructor is photographer and real-life cowboy Les Voorhis. Info on my Workshops page.​

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On site, Les and I will be teaching:​
- portraits
- action photography
- landscape photography.

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Back at the "barn" (actually a meeting room in our hotel) we'll teach Lightroom and Photoshops enhancements.​

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It's an action-packed, fun-filled workshop, where you not only get to shoot, but get to play cowboy or cowgirl for a few days.​

Les and I hope to see you in the Black Hills.​


See you later, pardner,​

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This post sponsored by Westcott. Check 'em out for all your lighting needs.​

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