Shooting Into the Sun is Kinda Fun — Rick Sammon Photography

Shooting Into the Sun is Kinda Fun

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Here's a fun shooting-into-the-sun image. I just created the image from a sequence of 6 images I took on my recent Route 66 road trip. The image gave me the idea for another Sammonism: "Shooting Into the Sun is Kinda Fun."

My other Sammonisms:
The name of the game is to fill the frame.
Dead center is deadly.
When you think you are close, get closer.
The camera looks both ways.
Expose for the highlights.
Use your camera like a spaceship.
Light illuminates, shadows define.
Backlight = shoot tight.
Make pictures, just don't take pictures.
See eye to eye - shoot eye to eye.
Take the darn flash off the camera.​
See through it, shoot through it.

Screen Shot 2013-04-16 at 10.10.16 PM.png

​Above is an Adobe Bridge Screen Grab of the 6 images I took with my Canon 6D. I used Nik HDR Efex Pro and the Duplex Filter in Nik on the final image. All my creative plug-ins are listed on my Save on Plug-ins page.

Re the sunburst: Set you lens at f/11 and have the sun peek out from behind an object in the scene. And . . . make sure your lens is super clean. A tiny speck of dust can result in a big blog in your picture.​

Check out my Route 66 Gallery on the left side of my blog.​ Ya gotta make the trip.

If you want to learn HDR, join one of my workshop. Good fun for sure.​

Explore the light,

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