It's "Hey Rick! What's Your F-stop?" Wednesday #3 — Rick Sammon Photography

It's "Hey Rick! What's Your F-stop?" Wednesday #3

It's "Hey Rick! What's Your F-Stop?" Wednesday. This series was prompted by the question I get asked most on my workshops.

My response to the question is, of course, "What is your creative vision? That will help you determine your camera settings."

After we discuss that all-important topic, I share my settings.

Hey Rick #3

Photograph: Forest Paradise

Location: Conway Valley, North Wales

Camera: Canon 5D Mark III

Lens: Canon 17-40mm lens

Exposure: ISO 100. f/22 @ 4 seconds. EV -1

Reasoning: Use a slow shutter speed to blur moving water.

Concept: Use a neutral density filter in bright light so you can shoot at a slow shutter speed. Use creative composition to "cut the clutter" in landscape photography.

Scroll down to find more "Hey Rick!" posts.

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