Day 5: Six Days of Photo Safari Tips — Rick Sammon Photography

Day 5: Six Days of Photo Safari Tips

Today is day five of Six Days of Africa Photo Safari Tips here on my blog.

I am running this series in preparation for my 2016 Botswana/South Africa digital photography workshop.

Check out my Beauty of Botswana gallery to see my favorite photographs from my two previous trips to this wildlife wonderland.

Today's tip: Stay healthy!

If you are not feeling good, you probably will not make good pictures. Staying healthy is a must. Before you leave home, check with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to see what medications are necessary to keep you up and running.

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As long as you are on the web, check out travel insurance. When traveling to exotic locations, I never leave home without it. When purchasing travel insurance, read the fine print very, very carefully. Everything that you think is covered may not be covered.

Hey, I know this post was short, but it's perhaps the most important post in this series. You need to stay healthy.

Explore the light,