Botswana — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography


Day 5: Six Days of Photo Safari Tips

Today is day five of Six Days of Africa Photo Safari Tips here on my blog.

I am running this series in preparation for my 2016 Botswana/South Africa digital photography workshop.

Check out my Beauty of Botswana gallery to see my favorite photographs from my two previous trips to this wildlife wonderland.

Today's tip: Stay healthy!

If you are not feeling good, you probably will not make good pictures. Staying healthy is a must. Before you leave home, check with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to see what medications are necessary to keep you up and running.

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As long as you are on the web, check out travel insurance. When traveling to exotic locations, I never leave home without it. When purchasing travel insurance, read the fine print very, very carefully. Everything that you think is covered may not be covered.

Hey, I know this post was short, but it's perhaps the most important post in this series. You need to stay healthy.

Explore the light,

Starting Monday: Six Days of Photo Safari Tips

Great migration, Kenya. Canon 100-400mm IS lens.

Great migration, Kenya. Canon 100-400mm IS lens.

In preparation for my 2015 Botswana digital photography workshop, starting Monday, I'm running a series here on my blog: Six Days of Photo Safari Tips.

Shoot me an email for info about this awesome Botswana photography adventure.

Check out my Beauty of Botswana gallery to see my favorite photographs from my two previous trips to this wildlife wonderland. One tip that applies to all those photographs: Work with a good guide. He or she will help you make good photographs, but you need to set goals before you leave camp, which is usually before the sun comes up.

Also check out my on-line class: Capturing the Wild: Safari Photography. You can use my tips for making great pictures on a photo safari and at a wildlife park.


Stay tuned.

Explore the light,

This post sponsored by X-rite. X-Rite is the global leader in color science and technology. The Company develops, manufactures, markets and supports innovative color solutions through measurement systems, software, color standards and services.

Check out these cool x-rite products:
Passport Color Checker

2015 Botswana Photo Workshop Planned

I am planning a 2015 Botswana photo workshop with my friend Tim Vollmer (who organizes my Iceland photo workshops). Shoot me an email for info.

View more images in my Beauty of Botswana photo gallery.

All my 2015 digital photography photo workshops are listed here.

In preparation for the workshop (or any trip to Africa), check out my Capturing the Wild: Safari Photography Class on KelbyOne.

Explore the light,

P.S. Tim and I are also planning a Greenland photo workshop. Stay tuned.

Check Out My Latest KelbyOne On-Line Class: Capturing The Wild: Safari Photography

My latest KelbyOne on-line photography class, Capturing the Wild: Safari Photography, has just been released. The one-hour+ class is not just a presentation of pretty photographs. For each of the photographs I share a photography, travel or processing tip.


The class (a live, in-studio narrated Keynote slide show) will help you "tell the whole story" of your photo adventure.


In addition, you can use many of the same tips when photographing at a wildlife park, nature center, on a photo workshop, and while traveling. Animal, people and landscape photography are covered, as well as planning and packing for a trip. Basic digital enhancements are also illustrated.

The class includes my favorite images from my photo safaris to Africa, as well a few photographs taken at my favorite wildlife parks, including Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Texas. 

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I hope you enjoy the new class. I enjoyed working with the KelbyOne creative team on producing it.

All my KelbyOne classes are listed here.

Here are my favorite photo safari lenses:
Canon 400mm DO lens 
Canon  70-200 f/4 IS lens
Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 IS lens
All my gear recos are on My Gear page.

To help you find the best light on a photo safari, and on all your worldwide travels, check out my latest app, Rick Sammon's Photo Sundial.

The app also includes my best tips for photographing at sunrise and sunset. Other features include: Location Search, Weather, Moon Phases, Directions, Location Sharing.

Explore the light,