Day 5: 5 Days of Bosque del Apache Images and Tips — Rick Sammon Photography

Day 5: 5 Days of Bosque del Apache Images and Tips

It's Day 5 in my series here on my blog: 5 Days of Bosque del Apache Images and Tips. I'm running this series in preparation for my 2015 Bosque workshop (which is full) and my 2016 Bosque workshop. Click here to see all my 2016 workshops.

Feel free to drag my images into Bridge or Lightroom for metadata.

Opening image: This photographer is shooting with a super-telephoto lens and a telephoto lens. Most photographers at Bosque shoot with two lenses. Me? I always have my wide-angle zoom and telephoto zoom handy.

This photographer is also dressed in camo gear, which is good for photographing wildlife.

Parked behind this photographer were about 20 white, red, blue, silver etc. cars. Standing next to the cars were people wearing brightly colored jackets. So, I am not sure the camo gear helps, but it can't hurt.

Well before you leave home, pack your camera bag. Make sure everything fits and make sure you have everything you need to make great pictures, and process your images on site.

If possible, bring a back-up camera and back-up lenses. There are no major camera stores Bosque. The closest ones are in Albuquerque.

I took this shot of my car’s dashboard with my iPhone. I included it here as a reminded of just how cold it can get in the mornings during November and December. Dress warmly and in layers.

Remember that you are in the desert. By lunchtime, you may be in a t-shirt.

Don’t have super-telephoto lenses, or super-wide-angle lenses for that matter? If you are a Canon shooter like me, join Canon CPS (Canon Professional Services). If you get approved, you can borrow lenses, as well as cameras. is the company I recommend for renting cameras, lenses and just about anything photographic you need.

Bird photographers need to look up for two reasons: One, to look for photo opportunities; two, to look out for birds flying directly overhead. Overhead birds can mean falling bird poop.

That’s bird poop on my pants in these photographs. I should have been more aware of what was happening overhead!

Looking up is worth it. Check out the shadow on the wing of this sandhill crane. Talk about "dumb luck" shots.

I hope to see you in Bosque sometime. If we meet, remember to keep your head down!

Explore the light,

What's new? My 36th book: Creative Visualization for Photographers.