Private Coaching: Look good, sound good, feel good on camera and on stage — Rick Sammon Photography

Private Coaching: Look good, sound good, feel good on camera and on stage

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Click image to view video.

Today, one of the keys to being a successful photographer (in addition to being very good at your craft) is to look good, to sound good and to feel good on camera and on stage. That's why I am announcing private, on-line lessons to help photographers reach that goal.

Standing in front of hundreds of people for hours can be scary . . . if you are not prepared. I can help you be totally prepared, as well as relaxed, as I was during my talk at the Denver IMax.

I can also help you create a powerful slide presentation for your seminars. Click here to see where I'll be speaking.

Click image to see the video.

Click image to see the video.

How about speaking in front of potentially thousands of people? It's easy, if you are confident, as I was when I spoke at Google.

Speaking on a stage at noisy trade shows (left, PPE in NY; right, CES in Vegas) is indeed a challenge. I can help you make an effective presentation – while enjoying the experience, too.

Click image to view video.

Click image to view video.

Are you interested in doing on-line training classes, like the 13 classes I have done for KelbyOne? It's important to be a good presenter – in addition to knowing your stuff. During our session or sessions, I'll share my techiques with you.

Click image to see video.

Click image to see video.

How about making a video when "time is of the essence," and when you must look good, sound good, and feel good on camera - and get across a specific message in a limited amount of shooting time?

Click image to see video.

Click image to see video.

Looking good and sounding good on a podcast is important, too. With more than 100 podcasts under my belt, I can help you with that, too.

Summing up: you've come to the right place.

Here's how my private coaching sessions work:
• You set up a Skype appointment by emailing me at
• You prepay for a one-hour lesson. Cost is $199 per hour. Payment via Paypal to Lessons are in one-hour increments.
• You send me a link - not a video - to a short video (5 - 10 minutes) of one of your talks in advance. You could record this video in your home if you don't have a video of a formal talk.
• We review the video together on Skype.
• You give me a followup short live presentation on Skype. We critique that presentation.

If you are shy and/or nervous on camera and on stage, this may be the best investment you can make in your career.

If your loved one is shy/nervous and can use some help, these private coaching sessions are a meaningful gift that keep on giving.

Speaking of videos, here is one of my favorites. I use it on my bio page – so folks get to know me.

Explore the light,

Click image to go to my YouTube channel.

Click image to go to my YouTube channel.

P.S. Creating short-and-sweet YouTube videos is also important for photographers. I can give you on-camera as well as tech tips to help you make effective videos.