Gear Recos for My 2016 Mt. Rainer Photo Workshops — Rick Sammon Photography

Gear Recos for My 2016 Mt. Rainer Photo Workshops

Hey All

I'm super excited about my 2016 Mt. Rainier photo workshops. Click here for info:

In preparation for the workshops, I thought I'd put together a gar reco list. Here goes!

Digital SLR or mirrorless camera, extra batteries, extra memory cards and charger. Laptop with charger; Photoshop and/or Lightroom loaded.

Keep in mind that this is a photographing and processing workshop. We'll have time for both, and both are great fun!


17- 40mm lens - to capture wide views.

70-200mm lens - for isolating subjects in a sweeping landscape.

Study tripod - to steady your camera for HDR and low-light photography.

Polarizing filter - to darken a blue sky.

Variable neutral density filter - please make sure you have the right filter diameter! Or better yet, a set of ND filters.

Lens cleaning cloth - to remove dust from the front element of your lens.

Nik's HDR Efex Pro or Photomatix Pro. Info on my Plug-in page.

Backpack-style bag - for trekking up and down hills.

NEOS overshoes, for shooting in water. You probably will not need them, but they are always good to have handy.

Wide-brim hat - to shade your face from the sun. Sunscreen, too.
Head-mounted flashlight - so you can see what you are doing in the dark - before sunrise

See you soon in Mt. Rainer - where we will be up before sunrise and stay out until after the sun sets. We'll carpool to the different locations, so we'll get to know each other a little better, and at the same time save gas.

Please shoot me an email if you have any questions.

Explore the light,

P.S. Check out my latest book for tips on landscape - and many other types - of photography.