Digital Darkroom — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography

Digital Darkroom

Look for Pictures Within Pictures - Midnight Run

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On my workshops and in my seminars, I stress the importance of looking for pictures within pictures – as well as envisioning the end-result. Here's one such example from today's workshop shoot.

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Directly above is my out-of-the-camera shot. I created the opening image for this post simply by cropping in on the two horses on the left and then by applying the Midnight filter in Nik Color Efex Pro – which is part of the Nik Collection by Google . . . which is on sale for a super savings!

Take a close look at your images and think about digital darkroom possibilities. You'll may be surprised at what you find and what you see.

I call this shot "Midnight Run." 

Explore the light,

This post sponsored by x-rite. X-Rite is the global leader in color science and technology. The Company develops, manufactures, markets and supports innovative color solutions through measurement systems, software, color standards and services.

Check out these cool x-rite products:
Passport Color Checker