horses — Blog — Rick Sammon Photography


Where To Go For Great Horse Photographs

Here's a look at some of my favorite horse photographs from my past photo workshops. If you like to photograph horses, we'll be doing just that on my 2015 Provence, Iceland, Oregon Coast and Casper, WY photo workshops. Click here to see all my workshops.

Above: Provence, France.

Above: Oregon Coast.

Above: Conwy Valley, North Wales.

Above: Casper, Wyoming.

Above: Mongolia.

Above: Iceland

You'll find a few more horse photographs in my Cowboy/Cowgirl Gallery here on my site.

Explore the light,


Images of the Old West

I am gearing up for my June 2015  Casper, Wyoming Old West Photo Workshop.

In going though my files from past workshops, I came across some of my favorite photographs of the Old West, and decided to add some captions. Here ya go, pardner.

Opening image: Waiting for you. The longing eyes of this cowboy are the main subjects of this photograph. As in many of my images, I try to capture the mood and feeling of the subject – the most important element in a photograph.

Above: Riding hard, riding the herd. Cowboys don’t just ride hard, they ride herd – riding along with the cattle or horses. I feel as though this image captures that togetherness.

Above: Boot and spur. Detail shots help to tell the story, and as a photographer, I am a storyteller.

Above: Trail boss and greenhorn. To me, the ruggedness and confident posture of the cowboy in the foreground says, “trail boss.” The silhouette of a younger and thinner cowboy in the background says, “greenhorn.”

Above: Yee-ha! This cowboy’s “yee-ha” said it all!  Putting him slightly out of focus adds a sense of mystery to the image.

Above: End of the day. I actually took this picture at the end of a long day of photographing this cowboy and cowgirl. They deserved a break, alone and quite by a pond.

Above: Mystery cowboy. By including only the shadow of the off-camera cowboy in my frame I added a sense of mystery and drama to the image.  Not being able to see the cowgirl’s eyes also adds a sense of mystery to the image.

I hope to see you on my Capser Photo Workshop!

Explore the light,

What's New? Master Landscape & Seascape Photography on-line class! Save $10 with this code: landscapes.

Tuesday's Two-for-One Sale: Wild Horses Download

Like prints of horses - for your home or office? Know someone who would like a print as a holiday gift? You've come to the right place.

Today's two-for-one download sale: Horses of Provence (above) and Portrait in Wales (below) for $99.The images are normally $99 each. You download the files and make your own prints.

Payment is via Paypal to: Sorry, no refunds.

Screen shots above show file size. You can make prints up to 11x14 inches. For  personal use only.

If you want to get your own photographs of horses, I am offering a few horse photography workshops in 2015.Click here for info.

Explore the light,

Look for Pictures Within Pictures - Midnight Run

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On my workshops and in my seminars, I stress the importance of looking for pictures within pictures – as well as envisioning the end-result. Here's one such example from today's workshop shoot.

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Directly above is my out-of-the-camera shot. I created the opening image for this post simply by cropping in on the two horses on the left and then by applying the Midnight filter in Nik Color Efex Pro – which is part of the Nik Collection by Google . . . which is on sale for a super savings!

Take a close look at your images and think about digital darkroom possibilities. You'll may be surprised at what you find and what you see.

I call this shot "Midnight Run." 

Explore the light,

This post sponsored by x-rite. X-Rite is the global leader in color science and technology. The Company develops, manufactures, markets and supports innovative color solutions through measurement systems, software, color standards and services.

Check out these cool x-rite products:
Passport Color Checker

Turn Your Snapshots into Great Shots

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We had a great morning run of the Camargue horses today here in Provence.

Here's just a quick examples of how cropping, using the Darken/Lighten filter in Nik Color Efex Pro, as well as the Duplex filter in Nik, turned a snapshot into a more artistic image. 

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I feel as though image capture is only part of the game. Image processing is the other part – a bit part. 

For more on Nik and other plug-ins I use, see my Save on Creative Plug-ins page

Gear: Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 70-200mm lens. All my gear is listed on My Gear page.

Explore the light,